Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008


I have decided that I really should be in the moving business. Last week we spent 3 days on Denise's move. Then between me and Aaron we spent Monday thru Wednesday helping Lori and Larry move. I even managed to work 34 hours at the dental office! These pictures are a bit out of order. Sorry:) This was the last picture I took about 9 pm Sat night after we managed to get Denise's bed put together.
She forgot to have the movers get everything out of the garage. We were determined to get it in one load. We were at a stop sign when I told Denise how bad she was sweating. She didn't believe it was that bad, so a took a picture to show her. When we looked up there was a cop on the other side of the 4 way stop. Don't worry, he flipped around and followed us for a bit but we managed not to get pulled over. Here we were to pick up the Mazda. Almost done.....Thank god! Taking the last load to Sean's, I was waiting for the coffee maker to fall off the truck.
The yahoo with his back to you could only manage to get one small box at a time. Is the truck finally empty? They obviously did a killer job putting things away. I told you we would fit everything in the garage in the truck. We are professional movers! And yes Denise I will help you again, as long as I don't throw my my out. GOOD TIMES!